RYA Theory and Skills Courses
RYA navigational theory and specialist skills courses underpin your on water competence.

Navigation courses
We offer RYA Day Skipper and Ocean shorebased courses over 5 days in the classroom, or Coastal/Yachtmaster over 6 days.
The Day Skipper and Coastal/Yachtmaster shorebased courses are progressive steps covering Navigation, Pilotage, Buoyage, Collision Regulations, Weather and much much more. They are also pre-requisite to gaining some commercial boating licenses.
The Yachtmaster Ocean theory course covers astro navigation, voyage planning and world weather routing.
Day Skipper Shorebased - £450 (£1250 1:1 tuition) - 5x days
Yachtmaster Shorebased (Coastal/Offshore) - £525 (£1500 1:1 tuition) - 6x days
Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased - £495 (£1250 1:1 tuition) - 5x days
All classroom courses include training materials, lunch, and tea/coffee.
1:1 classroom tuition is charged at £250 per day, subject to availability. So, if you need a day of focused teaching to firm up any particular subjects or areas, please contact us.
Blended Learning options are available, combining online courses with 1:1 tuition:
1) Online Course with 1x day in the classroom - £295/£310 plus £250 = £545/£560
2) Online course with 4x 45 minute sessions (3 hours total) via Skype or FaceTime - £295/£310 plus £120 = £415/£430
Invigilated Assessments are required for both Day Skipper and Yachtmaster theory courses if being used for a commercial endorsement or as a Master 200 prerequisite. Day Skipper assessments take half a day can be accommodated provided we have an instructor and room available at no extra charge. Yachtmaster assessments are now a lot more involved and take up to two days, it is therefore not always possible to offer invigilation for these assessments.
We also offer RYA Interactive theory courses, with the cost as follows:
£295 for Day Skipper
£310 for Coastal/Offshore, or Ocean

Specialist Skills: Cost £110
To enhance your knowledge in specific areas we offer RYA and MCA certificated short courses. Click these links for specific fact sheets.
SRC/VHF Radio Communications Licence (exam fee payable)
RYA First Aid
RYA Diesel Engine Maintenance
RYA Radar Operator
RYA Sea Survival
All RYA courses and tailor made training can be arranged at our base or at a venue to suit you for groups of people.
All our theory and specialist skills courses include tea, coffee, lunch and training materials where relevant. The Marine Radio (SRC/VHF) course fee does not include the exam fee which is payable directly to the RYA.