The Island Gypsy 40 is a new addition joining the SeaRegs vessels in 2023. She has many uses for charter, whether it's a support vessel, committee boat, media boat, or just exploring.
Discover the beauty of Plymouth Sound, the tranquillity of the River Tamar and Lynher, anchor in 'Dandy Hole', one of Britain's top anchorages or enjoy lunch ashore in Cornwall.
Click here to view the Mayflower Marina Local Cruising Guide

• Powered by twin 135hp engines on shaft drives
• Equipped with a chart plotter, colour radar, A.I.S., Navtex, intercom, autopilot and twin V.H.F. radios
• Long wheelhouse, safe, stable working deck and Flybridge
• Category 2 commercially coded for commercial use
• 6 person capacity
• Cruising speed 9 knots - so economical
*Suitable for travel up to 60 miles from the coast
Price: £750 per day, including a skipper/crew.
(ex. V.A.T./fuel
Mile Builders and Passages
2 and 5 day £800 - £1500 including fuel and food onboard
Miles and passages are a requirement for RYA courses and a pre-requisite for RYA Certificate of Competency exams. We offer 2 and 5 day passage making trips to build miles and 60 mile passages. Students will have the chance to plan passages to Penzance, Exmouth, Solent, Portland and ports around the SW Coast as weather allows.
Once booked, trips will be run and hopefully the weather will allow mileage and passages to be gained.