What are your Terms and Conditions?2022-12-20T14:44:44+00:00


1. Before booking, please satisfy yourself that you have been given adequate guidance as to the suitability of the course you are attending. If in any doubt please contact us.
2. Limited numbers of students are allowed on each course, so you are advised to check availability before submitting the booking form. Return the completed booking form as soon as your phone or email booking is made. Bookings will be acknowledged in writing or by email with course joining details.
3. The booking is provisional until the booking form and deposit is received. Provisional bookings are held for a maximum of 7 days. After 7 days, the booking may be cancelled and we reserve the right to resell the place.
4. The minimum age for all courses is 16 unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Young people between the age of 16 and 18 will require consent from their parent, guardian or employer.
5. If the course is offered outside the UK, you undertake to have and take any inoculations or medication that are necessary for that country, before and whilst travelling. Please ensure you bring personal medication and ensure the instructor knows about any medical or physical condition that may affect you on the course.
6. Course enrolment does not mean that you automatically get a certificate. Students will be trained and debriefed to ensure everyone achieves their potential on the course but this may not mean that you receive a certificate.
7. We welcome feedback, positive or not, as it is an opportunity for us to improve. Initially, please voice any concerns at the time to the instructor or Principal so that they can be quickly addressed.


8. A 25% non-refundable deposit per person is required at the time of booking.
9. Settlement must be made 28 days before the commencement of the course; otherwise we reserve the right to resell the course.
10. If you book by telephone you are fully liable for the amounts whether you confirm in writing or not.


11. If you need to cancel your place on a course, please let us know as early as possible and confirm in writing the same day. The following refunds will be made:
- Cancellations made more than 28 days before the start of the course – Full refund less deposit.
- Cancellations made less than 28 days and more than 14 days before the start of the course – 50% of the course fee
- Cancellations made less than 14 days before the start of the course – No refund.
12. We reserve the right to cancel a course should the numbers fail to reach a viable minimum number. A transfer or full refund will be made.

Liability and Insurance:

13. SeaRegs Training, its servants, agents and employees are not under any liability whatsoever in respect of loss or damage to personal effects or belongings howsoever caused, whilst attending a course. Consequently, irrespective of the legal basis on which any claim against us is made (except for claims for death or personal injury arising from our negligence) our total aggregate liability shall be limited to the sum of all payments received by us at the date of the incident or event giving rise to liability.
14. We shall not be liable to you in any circumstances for any consequential, special, exemplary or indirect losses costs or damages whether or not they might have been foreseeable, or for any damages costs or losses attributable to lost profits or opportunities.
15. You agree that if, as a matter of law, any of our directors, employees, consultants or agents would otherwise owe you a duty of care that duty is excluded from our Contract with you. You agree that you will not bring any claim against any of SeaRegs’ director, employee, consultant or agent for any matter arising in any way out of us or the consultant providing the services to you.
16. Accordingly any claim you wish to make can only be made against SeaRegs Training and not against any director, officer, employee, servant, agent or consultant.
17. We recommend you take out Travel Insurance to cover loss of gear, medical expenses, cancellation etc.
18. A copy of the SeaRegs Training Complaints and Appeals procedure  is available online.

General Data Protection Regulations:

19. Booking forms will be securely stored and not used for any purpose other than processing your booking and keeping you updated with information as indicated on the form. Booking forms will be destroyed after 12 months. Details of attendance on a specific course will be kept for 7 years inline with our accreditation requirements.
20. Instructors will be informed of any medical information when relevant for the safety of your participation on the course. If you have any concerns regarding your medical fitness to attend a course please contact us.
21. By completing the Emergency Contact details you are confirming you have the consent of the contact for their name and number to be provided to us. These details will only be used in the event of an Emergency involving yourself. These details will not be used for any other reason and we will not record them in any other place.
22. Names and email addresses will be kept in order to contact existing customers with details of changes to courses or new regulations which may affect qualifications. Please indicate on the form if you would prefer not to be contacted.
23. For MCA/STCW courses, Names and Dates of Birth will be recorded alongside course date and course type for the purpose of confirmation of attendance on a course and to re-issue certificates if required. These records will be handed to the MCA if SeaRegs Training cease trading.
24. You may request to have your details removed from this list at anytime. Please note if you have requested to have your details removed we will no longer have a record of your attendance on a course. Future employers will not be able to verify whether your certificate is valid and in the case of you requiring a replacement certificate you will be required to attend the course again.
25. Name, address and data of birth of candidates for some RYA courses will be shared with the RYA for the purposes of registering your certificate.
26. This information is stored centrally at the RYA via a secure website and will only be used by the RYA as a record of certificates issued and for the issue of replacement certificates. You may request to have your details removed however this will prevent the RYA from assisting you in the future should you require a replacement certificate.
27. I understand that my personal details will be shared with SQA for the purposes of entries, certification and maintenance of my record of attainment and that I can read SQA’s privacy statement at https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/36588.hmtl I give my permission for my certificate, delivered to the centre address, to be opened on my behalf.
Candidate signature ____________ date _______.
28. End of course Assessments will be kept in line with the requirements of Accrediting Bodies. For SQA courses this is generally 1 year from date of completion, for MCA and RYA this is usually 5 years.
29. Feedback forms can be completed anonymously and will be kept for a maximum of 5 years. Feedback is used to check the content and delivery of our courses is at least as expected.
30. Bookings for online Theory courses hosted by Navathome will be required to complete a separate booking form as different Terms and Conditions and data processing apply.


31. Course participants will notify SeaRegs Training of they are required to self isolate or have been symptomatic within 7 days of the course starting. Depending on the Government Guidelines in place at the time this may require postponing attendance on the course.
32. SeaRegs Training will follow Government Guidelines and have COVID risk assessments in place in order to minimise risks as much as practical. All participants are reminded of their responsibility to follow guidelines in place and ensure frequent hand washing, distancingand use of face coverings as required.
33. By attending a course, participants accept SeaRegs Training will have done all that is practicable to minimise risk of COVID transmission, but this does not guarantee courses will be risk free.

Can I purchase a voucher?2022-12-21T10:51:17+00:00

Yes you can, this can be for a specific course or just a certain amount to put towards training. Please contact the office for more information.

Vouchers are valid for 12 months from date of issue, and the full value must be booked and used before the expiry date.

In the case that the full value is not used, no refund or exchange for cash will be given.

We do not guarantee that spaces will be available on courses. Spaces are only secured once a course is booked, so we strongly recommend booking as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Once a course place is booked, our standard cancellation terms are applicable.

How do I book a course with you?2022-03-23T17:13:50+00:00

Bookings can either be made in 3 ways –
Online via our course booking page, you will be asked to pay for your course in full by credit/debit card via PayPal (you don’t need an account).
By calling the office on 01752 408270, a 25% deposit is required to secure your place with the balance due 28 days before the course.

Or by emailing info@searegs.co.uk

Weather on Courses2022-03-23T17:05:37+00:00

Weather on courses: When training on our vessels, we are always subject to environmental conditions. Some courses can be more affected than others. We are based in Plymouth, therefore we are subject to the vagaries of British weather. On any given week or weekend, we can have no wind, too much wind, fog, too much sun, snow - sometimes they all happen on the same day….

Sailing courses: On sailing courses wind is the key issue. Therefore there is a rare chance that you may not sail every day. If we can sail safely, we will. In high winds, luckily, Plymouth is a very sheltered harbour from most wind directions, therefore we can often get to shelter and then sail in those areas within our very large harbour and rivers. Please also bear in mind that if we cannot sail, we will cover theory subjects as all RYA practical courses still have approximately 30% theory in the course which we normally break up into chunks throughout the week/weekend, but we may save them for the windy/no wind/foggy times. 

Powerboat courses: These are less affected by conditions, as the area of operation is smaller and we can if required run most of the course in the shelter of the river. Once again and certainly on Powerboat level 2 courses, there is a large theory element. Normally we divide the theory elements up into sessions in the morning, after lunch and end of the day - so six sessions over two days - but in poor weather we may group them together to hide from the worst weather etc. 

Motorboat courses: These are even less affected by weather as we have shelter and can concentrate on boat handling and electronics. We can also take advantage of small weather windows to get to more shelter. However in poor weather, we will cover theory subjects as all RYA practical courses still have approximately 30% theory in the course which we normally break up into chunks throughout the week, but we may save them for the windy or foggy times. 

In extremes: There are also those weekends or weeks when the weather is simply diabolical and we get a week of Force 9-10’s when we may just call and stop the course, usually beforehand if it is well forecast. More often than not we get a day or so of poor weather and work around it. 

All courses: On all courses our aim is to complete the course in the safest way possible, covering all the theory and practical elements. We are not able to guarantee courses will have practical sessions on every day as we will work around the weather forecast

Which is the nearest airport?2017-03-27T10:51:04+01:00

Plymouth no longer has its own airport, the nearest is Exeter however Bristol and London are other options.

There is a new direct coach service from Bristol Airport to Plymouth costing just £25 return, coaches leave the airport once an hour through the day and less frequently through the night. The Falcon coaches are equipped with Air Conditioning, Wifi and charging sockets. Advanced booking of a specific time and day costs as little as £1.50. Click for full details of the coach service.

London Heathrow has a frequent train service to London Paddington station, where there is a direct train service to Plymouth.

Where do the courses take place?2022-05-24T15:25:37+01:00

Courses take place at the SeaRegs Training purpose built training venue at Turnchapel Wharf, Barton Road, Plymouth PL9 9RQ. Yacht courses join at Turnchapel before heading to the marina.

Joining details will be emailed to you in advance of the course.

What time do the courses start?2022-12-20T10:14:51+00:00

Our shorebased courses start at 0830. Finish times vary from course to course, we usually aim to finish by 1700 at the latest.

Motorboat courses start at 0900 and finish at 1700, this may vary depending on where night exercises are involved.

Powerboat courses tend to run from 0900 to 1700, aside from courses such as the Advanced Powerboat where late night exercises are involved.

Sailing courses are residential, so you join the boat at 0900 on the first day and stay on board the yacht until 1600 at the latest on the last day. This may vary depending on weather.
The exception is our Saturday Sail, which starts at 0830 and finishes at 1700. 

Joining details will be emailed to you before the course with specific details for your course. If you have any specific questions about a course you've booked or are thinking about booking, please contact us.

Is food provided on the course?2022-12-20T10:18:36+00:00

Yes, we provide lunch on all Plymouth based classroom courses lasting a full day or longer. Lunch is not provided on half day courses.

On our motorboats, lunch is provided on board each day, and an evening meal is provided where night exercises take place.

On our yacht, all food is provided whilst on board, the exception being our Saturday Sails where you will need to bring your own lunch.

Are training materials included?2022-12-20T10:14:13+00:00

Depending on the course relevant training materials are provided at the start of the course. For the Master 200, ECDIS Generic, and VHF/SRC courses we provide pre-course training materials.

Is there any accommodation?2023-02-24T09:27:24+00:00

SeaRegs Training has it's own Guest House "SeaCrew House" a two minute walk from the training centre which has 5 en-suite guest rooms. Bookings can be made online or through the office. Yachting courses include accommodation onboard from the start of the course until the end.  Alternatively Plymouth has a wealth of Guest Houses and Hotels to suit a range of budgets. We can provide you with an accommodation list and recommendations from previous students.

Why have I been asked for photo ID?2017-10-10T10:51:14+01:00

The MCA have asked us to check photo ID at the start of any STCW courses to make sure you really are you and you haven’t sent someone else to do the training for you, acceptable ID is either a Passport or driving licence.

How long are STCW certificates valid for?2015-11-28T14:58:43+00:00

From 1 January 2017, the STCW Survival and Fire Fighting Certificates will only be valid for 5 years. This means anyone who attended one of these courses before 1 January 2012 will need to do a refresher course before the end of 2016.
STCW First Aid certificates also need refresher training after 5 years if you have a medical role onboard.

What happens if I lose my certificate?2022-05-10T10:26:59+01:00

STCW and MCA Certificates originally issued by ourselves can be replaced by us for an admin fee of £15 per certificate.

All RYA Certificates would need to be re-issued by the RYA. If your original certificate was a photo ID course completion or certificate of competence, this would have originally been registered with the RYA and they will have a record on their system to re-issue for a fee. For RYA paper certificates, you would need proof that you completed the course and to complete a declaration of loss form that the RYA can provide. 

Feedback and Complaints2023-10-20T17:10:49+01:00

Feedback is taken seriously and is looked upon positively as a way to improve. Feedback forms will be offered to students when they finish a course and reviewed afterwards. An online version of the form is available if required. Feedback forms will be kept on file for 12 months after the course.

Click to view a copy of our Complaints procedure

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