STCW Refresher training for Survival, First Aid and Fire Fighting
Monthly MCA STCW basic training and refresher training takes place in our Plymouth based classroom We limit the number of people on our courses keeping them small and friendly, our instructors have an enthusiasm for the their specialist subjects which is reflected in their teaching. Prices include training materials and lunch for day long courses. Click to view our dates and costs

Personal Survival Techniques Refresher course (STCW Reg VI/1 Section A-VI/1 para 2.1.1)
Half day course based in the classroom and a local pool. To be eligible to attend the refresher course, seafarers are required to complete Annex B of MSN 1865 on arrival. Annex B details which onboard drills must have been performed during the previous 5 years. Seafarers will need to detail which vessels and when the drills were completed.
Alternatively, if you are unable to meet the eligibility requirements, you should attend the full 1 day course again.

Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting Refresher training (STCW Reg VI/1 Section A-VI/1 para 2.1.2)
The refresher courses for both the basic and advanced Fire training are 1 day each. To be eligible to attend the training you will need to provide a copy of your original STCW Fire Certificate.
Please ask us for updated details on where locally you can attend the Fire courses or look on the MCA website for Approved Training Providers.

Elementary First Aid (STCW Reg VI/1 Section A-VI/1 para 2.1.3)
Whilst Elementary First Aid is not included in the Manilla amendments for STCW refresher training, it has and still is a requirement to refresh your First Aid certificate every 5 years if you have a First Aid role on board the vessel which could be anything from looking after the First Aid supplies to providing First Aid cover.