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Efficient Deck Hand (EDH)


The Efficient Deck Hand (EDH) is the qualifying examination for an Able Seafarer Deck certificate, and is a requirement for the issue of an Officer of the Watch (Yacht less than 3000 GT) Certificate of Competency.

The course is run over 5 days, and includes a mix of theory and practical work, ropes and rigging, mooring, anchoring, and cargo operations.

You must be at least 17 years of age to qualify.


  1. As listed in MSN 1862, one of the following certification and experience options will permit entry on to the EDH course and exam;
    (a) An MCA-accepted Yachtmaster Offshore; or
    (b) A Yacht Rating with at least 6 months’ seagoing service and a steering certificate; or
    (c) A Tug Rating with at least 6 months’ seagoing service and a steering certificate or an NWR Certificate; or
    (d) A Boatmaster Licence (BML) Tier 1 level 2 certificate; or
    (e) A Navigational Watch Rating Certificate
  2. As listed in MIN 643, section 8: In addition to the prerequisites mentioned in MSN 1862 (Amendment 1) (Section 4.2) the following will also permit entry onto the EDH course:
    • Enrolment onto the following Officer of the Watch (STCW II/1) courses;
      • An MCA-approved cadet training programme;
      • An MCA-approved overseas collaborative programme (1+1);
    • Holding a UK Class 1 or 2 Fishing Certificate of Competency (Deck or Engineering); and
    • Holding a Seafish Fishing Under 16.5m Skippers Certificate (with evidence of at least 6 months seagoing service).
  3. Before an EDH certificate can be issued, a minimum of 6 months’ seagoing service in vessels of 15m or more is required.

Full details of the EDH requirements and how to obtain an NWR, Yacht Rating and Steering Certificate are in MSN 1862.

If unsure of your eligibility, please contact our office on 01752408270 or by email.

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Price: £658.33 + 20.00% VAT

Start Time: 08:30
End Time: 16:30

Start Date: 5 May 2025
End Date: 9 May 2025

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