Weather course
Date: Sunday 15 March 2015
Cost: £110 including tea/coffee & lunch (15% RYA Instructor Discount available)
Click to book online now or phone 01392 580771.
This one day course is aimed at small and large boat sailors and motor boaters who wish to understand more about how the weather works, where to gather information and how to interpret and practically apply it. No prior knowledge is required. Previous students have included local boaters with a weather fascination to Yachtmasters and Instructors. One previous student commented "I liked the way the exercise built from looking at a forecast to predict what the weather that day was in different areas to then looking at 5 day forecasts to plan a week's sailing trip"
The course is taught by Simon Rowell, a winning skipper in the Clipper 2002 Round the World Race. Simon is an RYA Ocean Yachtmaster Instructor and Examiner and professional meteorologist qualifying with a Masters Degree at the University of Reading, finishing with a distinction after investigating how hurricanes start in the North Atlantic.