skype-m200SeaRegs Training in Plymouth have recently introduced Mock Oral and exam prep online in either 2 or 4 hour sessions suitable for either Master 200 or Boatmaster CoCs.

This is a highly effective way to cram particular subjects or general subject areas. We use video skype connection, so you will need a stable internet connection. The system we use is fully interactive and previous students have given very positive feedback.

The system is fully tailored to subject areas that you would like to work on or we cover a mock oral exam. Because the training is tailored exactly to your needs, a lot of ground can be covered quite quickly, or we can spend more time on particular subject areas that you require.
2 hours £80 – 4 hours £155                        8 x 2 hour sessions £550

To find out more about our Skype sessions please call or email the office.

SeaRegs run classroom based prep courses in Plymouth and London for Master 200 and Boatmasters

One of our first Skype prep students had this to say about it:

Dear Mr Jinks

Ref :-   Master Unlimited MCA exam

Many thanks for providing me with a one/two day refresher course via Skype directly to my home. The Skype method was absolutely perfect and covered the essential exam material I needed to refresh on. The material was also spot on as I was asked many of those questions in the exam.

I recommend your Skype method to anyone who is about to take their MCA exams for any discipline. I believe I was the first to utilize your method and I am glad I did, the fee was worth every penny.

Once again many thanks and I wish you many more Skype students in the future.

Best Wishes

John M  (Master Mariner)